Fibaro Home Center - Basic Knowledge

7 January 2022 - Reading time: 4 minutes

I thought it would be better to just create a topic of the basic knowledge for the Fibaro Home Center

So on this page the basic knowledge of the Fibaro Home Center explained,
so the rest of the manuals can focus on creating and controlling the devices.

for now its just 2 topics, but more will follow, once the other manuals will improve and more content will be added :)

Finding your Fibaro HomeCenter

So first we need to find your Fibaro Homecenter on your local network.
this can be done by going to the following website: and if this one doesn't work you can try the cloud login:
and you should see a simular page as this

another way to find your Philips Hue Device is trough an IP scanner
you can use for example the tool Advanced IP scanner 
this tool doesn't need installation. (just run is possible)

just enter your IP range (for example (this will scan the range ~
and search for the manufacturer MITAC INTERNATIONAL CORP.

Fibaro Creating Virtual Devices

Once logged into your fibaro Homecenter, click the Devices button

and click the Add or remove device button

To add the virtual Device press the Add button

your just created new Device, looks empty at first,
Here you can provide your device with an name and a room and
if you press the Advanced tab we will get some more options.

Under Advanced you are able to add a set of buttons, labels or sliders,

Creating a Label

under the Set of butons you can select Label and click the Add Set button

and your label will appear,
here you can give your label a name and ID for later usage and identification

don't forget to save your Virtual Device

Adding button(s)

this can be done with clicking the Add Set button, for example the Two buttons per line

Click the Add Set button and you have added the buttons,
also here don't forget to save

Hello world in Lua with buttons

so...we have 2 buttons and a label
lets create something interactive with Lua

in your just created buttons, select the first button and change the option from String to Lua code
and type in the first button the following code

local devId   = tonumber(fibaro:getSelfId());

and in the second button

local devId   = tonumber(fibaro:getSelfId());

so what happens is that the variable devId actually uses the current deviceID of the Virtual Device.
so you don't need the enter the Virtual Device ID that you can find in the address bar behind the .../virtual_edit.html?id=
(for example virtual_edit.html?id=211#bookmark-advanced)

and the
fibaro:call function,
will set the property of label1 to the value Hello of device ID 211

this part is done, Don't forget to save.

you can test your button now, by clicking 1 or 2, you will notice that your label will change from hello to world

Identify your Virtual Device

in Fibaro Click the Devices button

and select one of your Virtual Devices
if you look in your address bar, you will see for example
this means that this device has ID 

Fibaro Creating Scenes

Once logged into your fibaro Homecenter, click the Scenes button

and click the Add Scene button

Depending on the kind of Scene you want, you can select the

Magic Scene, this Scene is mostly based on if ... then ... options
easy for handy function such as turning off a light after a certain time
scene using graphic blocks, this scene gives you more options than the magic scene
and shows the options in a visual screen, its possible to convert this scene into a LUA scene.
scene in LUA, gives you all the freedom, and the frustration

more details about the scenes are on the tiles itself

Identify your Fibaro Device

in Fibaro Click the Devices button

and select one of your Devices
if you look in your address bar, you will see for example
this means that this device has ID 
you can also see it in the overview, it also displays the ID

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