Philips Hue Motion Sensor with Fibaro

6 January 2022 - Reading time: 5 minutes

It wasn't the only Christmas gift I received from my dad,
the Philips Hue also had a motion Sensor and I actually wanted to use this one in Fibaro also...
but how.... well I came up with the following:

So there isn't actually much you can do with a motion sensor, besides detecting motion,
but I thought it would still be nice to able too see this in Fibaro,
So here the manual how to do so:


  • Fibaro Homecenter 2 (I wasn't  able to test this on Fibaro HC 3)
  • Philips Hue Hub
  • Philips Motion Sensor(s) ( SML003 )
  • little bit of JSON knowledge
  • little bit of LUA knowledge

Philips Hue Requirements

I have created a separate manual for the Philips Hue Requirements under the Philips Hue Basic Knowledge section,
because I noticed with creating manuals I was re-creating this part every time.
so the requirements to continue with this manual are:

Fibaro Requirements

I have created a separate manual for the Requirements under the fibaro Home Center basic knowledge section,
the requirements to continue with this manual are:

Creating a Virtual Device in Fibaro (motion sensor)

Create a Virtual Device in Fibaro with add 4 labels in the "Label" set 
name them:

Label presence
ID presence
Label reachable
ID reachable
Label battery
ID battery
Label lastupdated
ID lastupdated

in the main loop enter the following code
but change the following values:

ip the IP Address of your Philips Hue
sensorID the ID of the Sensor you want to control
username your username in order to control your Hue Hub
local devId        = tonumber(fibaro:getSelfId());
local ip           = ''
local sensorID     = '3'
local username     = 'rAUnDqU2H4PNwL-bbODk8FAS0SNRT0cEHWF4lwjQ'
local url          = '/api/'..username..'/sensors/'..sensorID..'/'
local http         = Net.FHttp(ip, 80)

response ,status, errorCode = http:GET(url)
local jsonString   = json.decode(response);

fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.lastupdated.value", jsonString["state"]["lastupdated"]);
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.presence.value"   , jsonString["state"]["presence"]);
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.Battery.value"    , jsonString["config"]["battery"].."%");
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.reachable.value"  , jsonString["config"]["reachable"]);

 if its correct after saving your Virtual Device you should already see the Sensor

if the value of presence is changed from 0 to 1, it means there is motion detected.
reachable means if the Philips Hue hub can contact the motion sensor 0 means out of range.

Creating a Virtual Device in Fibaro (light sensor)

Create a Virtual Device in Fibaro with add 6 labels in the "Label" set 
and name them:

Label lightlevel
ID lightlevel
Label dark
ID dark
Label daylight
ID daylight
Label lastupdated
ID lastupdated
Label battery
ID battery
Label reachable
ID reachable

in the main loop enter the following code
but change the following values:
in my case the light sensor was the motion sensorID + 1 

ip the IP Address of your Philips Hue
sensorID the ID of the Sensor you want to control
username your username in order to control your Hue Hub
local devId        = tonumber(fibaro:getSelfId());
local ip           = ''
local sensorID     = '4'
local username     = 'rAUnDqU2H4PNwL-bbODk8FAS0SNRT0cEHWF4lwjQ'
local url          = '/api/'..username..'/sensors/'..sensorID..'/'
local http         = Net.FHttp(ip, 80)

response ,status, errorCode = http:GET(url)
local jsonString   = json.decode(response);

fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.lightlevel.value"   , math.floor(jsonString["state"]["lightlevel"]*0.002301655) .. " %");
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.dark.value"         , jsonString["state"]["dark"]);
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.daylight.value"     , jsonString["state"]["daylight"]);
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.lastupdated.value"  , jsonString["state"]["lastupdated"]);
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.battery.value"      , jsonString["config"]["battery"].."%");
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.reachable.value"    , jsonString["config"]["reachable"]);

 if its correct after saving your Virtual Device you should already see the Sensor

I have tested the max value of lightlevel was 43447,
at least that was my brightest light (
850 Lumen) I had (GoBe 850 Wide Dive light)
so I added a calculation in order to get the percentage of light
if you would like to use the value for triggers, I would advise to add another label or remove the % from the label

Creating a Virtual Device in Fibaro (Temperatue sensor)

Create a Virtual Device in Fibaro with add 4 labels in the "Label" set 
and name them:

Label temperature
ID temperature
Label reachable
ID reachable
Label battery
ID battery
Label lastupdated
ID lastupdated

in the main loop enter the following code
but change the following values:
in my case the light sensor was the motion sensorID + 2 

local devId        = tonumber(fibaro:getSelfId());
local ip           = ''
local sensorID     = '5'
local username     = 'rAUnDqU2H4PNwL-bbODk8FAS0SNRT0cEHWF4lwjQ'
local url          = '/api/'..username..'/sensors/'..sensorID..'/'
local http         = Net.FHttp(ip, 80)

response ,status, errorCode = http:GET(url)
local jsonString   = json.decode(response);

fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.temperature.value" , (jsonString["state"]["temperature"]/100 .. " °C"));
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.lastupdated.value" , jsonString["state"]["lastupdated"]);
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.battery.value"     , jsonString["config"]["battery"].."%");
fibaro:call(devId, "setProperty", "ui.reachable.value"   , jsonString["config"]["reachable"]);

 if its correct after saving your Virtual Device you should already see the Sensor

the temperature is stored as 2207, so I have divided the value by 100
if you would like to use the value for triggers, I would advise to add another label or remove the " °C " from the label

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